City of Milwaukie Boards and Commissions

Board or commission vacancies are filled by appointment of the mayor with the consent of council. Appointments are made for terms not to exceed four years and will expire the last day of March unless mandated otherwise by state statute. All board members or commissioners shall serve without compensation.  

For a quick and easy description of the City's boards, commissions and committees, check out our online brochure.

For a detailed description of the City's boards, commission and committees, please refer to the City's Municipal code, Title 2, Administration and Personnel.

Interested in serving on one of Milwaukie's Board, Commissions or Committees?  Check the listings for a vacancy, then download (in Microsoft Word or PDF formats), complete and submit a formal application to our City Recorder's office.

Arts Committee
The Milwaukie Arts Committee was created to promote the arts and artists in Milwaukie. The committee will work with artists of all types and other community groups in Milwaukie and the region to increase the availability of the arts and art education to the residents of the Milwaukie area. The committee may also recommend the roles the city should or ought to pursue in meeting such needs and help identify funding sources for artists and arts events and help to secure such funding as necessary.

Budget Committee

The budget committee is established in accordance with the provisions of ORS 294.336 to review the city budget document as prepared by the city budget officer and to recommend an approved budget to the city council for adoption. (Ord. 1795 § 1 (part), 1996) Budget Committee meeting agendas, packets and minutes along with City budget information can be found in the budget section of our website.

Center/Community Advisory Board (C/CAB)

The center/community advisory board is established for the purpose of advising the city council, NCPRD and center staff regarding center client/participant needs. The board will address the programs and facilities of the Milwaukie center concentrating on the problems, desires, and needs of senior citizens and others in the Milwaukie area. The board shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following activities:

    A.    Making decisions regarding capital improvements, programs, policies and maintenance and operations policies that will have to be approved by both the Milwaukie city council (deedholders to the property and facilities) and the NCPRD board; and
    B.    Providing the NCPRD board of directors with budget recommendations. (Ord. 1796 § 2 (part), 1996: Ord. 1582 § 1, 1985)

Citizens Utility Advisory Board (CUAB)

The citizens utility advisory board, consisting of five members, is established for the purpose of advising the city council on the methods and manner in which city utility rates and capital improvements are scheduled and carried out. The board shall be responsible for, but is not limited to, the following activities:

    A.    Reviewing existing rate structures and capital improvement programs for the various city sewer, water and surface water utilities;
    B.    Acting in an advisory capacity to the city council in review and enactment of future utility rate structures and capital improvement programs;
    C.    Promoting public knowledge, understanding, acceptance and support of official utility programs proposed or instigated by the city; and
    D.    Such other activities as the council may assign. (Ord. 1798 § 1 (part), 1996)

Construction Appeals Board
The board of construction appeals is established in accordance with the provisions of ORS 455.010 and Chapter 15.04. (Ord. 1794 § 1 (part), 1996)

Design and Landmarks Committee

The Design and Landmarks Committee (DLC) is a five-member group established to advise the Planning Commission and City Council on urban design, architectural, and historic preservation activities including but not limited to design review of development proposals in the downtown, education and outreach, designation of historic districts and landmarks, and historic and cultural resources inventories. , and landmarks. The Planning Commission meets at least twice annually with the DLC to review prospective work program tasks related to urban design, architecture and design guidelines, historic preservation, and other activities that may be assigned.

Park and Recreation Board (PARB)

The park and recreation board, consisting of seven members, is established for the purpose of advising and making recommendations to the city council regarding Milwaukie's recreation programs and facilities. The board shall be responsible for, but is not limited to, the following activities:

    A.    Surveying recreation and leisure time needs through the neighborhood associations and recommending the roles the city should or ought to pursue in meeting such needs;
    B.    Serving in an advisory capacity to the city council on the location, service areas, siting, standards, class, number and needs for existing and future parks within the community;
    C.    Identifying desirable future park locations consonant with established plans and standards;
    D.    Ensuring the development of a master plan for each park site;
    E.    Exploring the feasibility of meeting community park and recreation needs through consolidating grounds and programs with local schools;
    F.    Identifying park acquisition and development priorities and recommending methods of financing;
    G.    Establishing, evaluating and monitoring maintenance standards of city parks and advising council of the status; and
    H.    Such other activities as the council may assign. (Ord. 1801 § 3 (part), 1996)

Planning Commission (PC)

The planning commission, consisting of seven members,  is lawfully established for the purpose of reviewing and advising on matters of planning and zoning according to the provisions of the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, and other planning implementation documents. The commission shall be responsible for, but is not limited to, the following activities:

    A.    Keeping current the comprehensive plan and implementing ordinances for the city and urban growth boundary as applicable;
    B.    Preparing as necessary legislation that will implement the purposes of the comprehensive plan;
    C.    Recommending to the city council plans for regulating future growth, development and beautification of the city, and to review and recommend on regional issues and concerns;
    D.    Recommending and making suggestions to the council concerning:
    1.    The laying out, widening, extending, and locating of public thoroughfares, parking of vehicles and relief of traffic congestion,
    2.    Betterment of housing and sanitation conditions,
    3.    Establishment of districts for limiting the use, height, area, bulk, and other characteristics of buildings and structures related to land development,
    4.    Protection and assurance of access to incident solar radiation, and
    5.    Protection and assurance of access to wind for potential future electrical generation or mechanical application;
    E.    Recommending to the city council plans for regulating the future growth, development and beautification of the city in respect to its public and private buildings and works, streets, parks, grounds and vacant lots, and plans consistent with future growth and development of the city in order to secure to the city and its inhabitants' sanitation, proper service of public utilities and telecommunications utilities, including appropriate public incentives for overall energy conservation and harbor, shipping and transportation facilities;
    F.    Recommending to the city council plans for promotion, development and regulation of industrial and economic needs of the community with respect to business and industrial pursuits;
    G.    Considering and conducting public hearings on the comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances and similar matters which may include, but are not limited to, zone changes, condition uses, subdivisions and partitions;
    H.    Performing all other acts and things necessary to properly carry out the provisions of ORS Chapter 227 that are not specifically addressed by local ordinances and procedures; and
    I.    Such other activities as the council may assign. (Ord. 1802 § 1 (part), 1996)

Public Library Board

The library board, consisting of seven members, is established for the purpose of advising the city council and the Ledding staff regarding library patrons' needs. The board shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following activities:

    A.    Reviewing and commenting on rules and policies for the operation of the library;
    B.    Commenting on the acceptance or rejection of donations of real or personal property of funds donated to the library;
    C.    Commenting on the annual operating budget for the library;
    D.    Commenting on sites for public library buildings or for location of library facilities; and
    E.    Such other activities as the council may assign. (Ord. 1800 § 2 (part), 1996)

Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)

The traffic safety board is established for the purpose of advising and making recommendations to the Chief of Police and City Council regarding public safety needs in the city and its urban growth boundary. The board shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following activities:

    A.   Review and make recommendations on community livability concerns related to crime prevention and traffic safety issues that affect public safety and neighborhood livability in Milwaukie and within its urban growth boundary;
    B.   Review and make recommendations for police-community partnerships to mitigate the negative influence of crime and traffic on the community; 
    C.   Promote public education and awareness of the effects of crime and the fear of crime on the community;  
    D.   Collaborate with local, county and state government agencies to develop strategies to mitigate negative community livability concerns by focusing partnership agency resources to reduce or eliminate specific crime, problem areas or concerns; 
    E.   Such other activities as the council may assign. (Ord. 1869 § 3, 2000: Ord. 1797 § 3 (part), 1996) 

Riverfront Board

The riverfront board, consisting of seven at-large members, is established for the purpose of advising and making recommendations to the city council and providing long-term continuity and short-term problem solving in the successful completion of the riverfront. The board shall be responsible for, but is not limited to, the following activities:

    A.    Serve in an advisory capacity to the city council by following the Milwaukie downtown and riverfront master plan: riverfront element through its duration including consultant selection, scope of work specifications, plan development, implementation and successful completion; and
    B.    Provide leadership and act as liaison in the public involvement process in order to recommend the roles the city should or ought to pursue in attaining its vision of a well-designed community. (Ord. 1848 § 1 (part), 1998)

Last updated:07/22/2009

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