Lake Road - NDA

Lake Road LogoThe Lake Road Neighborhood District Association (NDA) is an officially recognized NDA in the City of Milwaukie. 

A few of the most recent programs and events in the Lake Road Neighborhood primarily funded by Milwaukie's Neighborhood Matching Grant Program include:

  • Annual Neighborhood Barbecue - Lake Road sponsors a neighborhood barbecue annually to boost the neighborhood association and allow residents to meet fellow residents as well as city staff and elected officials.

  • Support and involvement in the city's annual summer festival - The neighborhood gets involved with the city's annual summer festival and won first place in the float category of the 2003 Centennial Parade. Neighborhood residents have also donated many hours to the events each year and they typically provide grant funding to support the fireworks display, the entertainment and whatever else is necessary. 

  • Development of a neighborhood entrance sign - Lake Road used a portion of their grant funding to design, purchase, and eventually install a neighborhood entrance sign along Lake Road. Volunteers worked with the neighborhood residents and a sign company to design the sign to fit into the fabric of the neighborhood and enhance its identity.

Bylaws: Lake Road operates under a set of bylaws that all neighborhoods in Milwaukie must abide by. The bylaws contain information about membership, leadership positions, voting, and other rules and regulations that must be followed. Take a look at Lake Road's bylaws to learn more. 

Meetings: Held on second Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at North Clackamas Administration Building located at 4444 SE Lake Road. 

Contact Information: Correspondence for this neighborhood may be sent directly to the Neighborhood Association Leaders whose contact information is available at the following link.

Contact Lake Road's Current Leaders 

Mailboxes are also available for each NDA at City Hall and correspondence may be sent to: 

Lake Road NDA 
C/o Community Services 
Milwaukie City Hall 
10722 SE Main Street 
Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Fax 503.653.2444

2008 Agendas
Meeting Date


Agenda Materials

Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2008




September 10, 2008
